Monday, November 9, 2009

The first and possibly the last

It has come to my attention that November is National Novel Writing Month. (Lovingly referred to as NaNoWriMo). I know writing is something everyone thinks they personally do very well, like singing in the shower or taking artistic pictures of sandy feet. So it's not a great surprise to know that one of my life goals is to publish something. I'm not picky, here-- A political cartoon. A letter to the editor. The next Anna Karenina. Anything.
My SIX Word documents entitled My Book, My Book for Real This Time, This is It, etc., are exactly like those photos you might take on vacation of your feet covered in sand. You were so inspired at the time! The lighting was just right. But-- upon second examination, it's kitsch.
So, I figure instead of diving into NaNoWriMo-mode, I'd start small.

In an effort to avoid the bloggy cliché of deep thoughts and personal overshare, I plan to keep it conversational around here, should I ever write again. My classroom, friends, and family-- each with their own quirky goodness, keep me entertained daily. Perhaps I'll be back in the blogosphere to pass along the love. For now, however sad this may be, I truly appreciate the fact that the corner of my screen says PUBLISH POST. One life goal down, technically speaking.


Artsy Angie said...

I hope it's not the last!

JJP said...

Welcome! Can't wait to read what you write!